At Cacao Tolteca we believe in the power of intuition.
We are convinced that each and every one of us knows what is best for our own being. 

The same applies when it comes down to making your own cup of ceremonial cacao. Below you will find a recipe that we believe to be perfect but always feel free to adjust it to your own taste and desires. 

The physical body is the most impressive machine we get to encounter on Earth. Once you learn to listen to it, it will share with you its desires and wisdom. 

Some might need more of the medicine, while others prefer less. Again, your body has its own inner intelligence that should always be heard

Recipe for 1 cup (5 min)

- Step 1 : Heat 1 cup of water (not boiling) or milk of your choice.

- Step 2 : Chop 1 Oz of Cacao Tolteca.

- Step 3: Add spices, a bit of cinnamon, cardamon and a pinch of chili pepper.

- Step 4: Blend or mix with a whisk or blender, preferably a natural wooden Molinillo.

- Step 5: Serve and add sweetener of your choice: cane sugar, honey...

Take just a moment and connect with the cacao, set your intentions. Enjoy!!